
What’s Unique About Women’s Dental Health?

MEN AND WOMEN don’t always face the same dental health challenges, nor do they have the same dental health advantages. The bad news for women is ...

For Healthy Teeth’s Sake, Stop Chewing Ice!

A Mental Condition Compulsive ice eating is called pagophagia. Sometimes it’s a symptom of pica, a psychological disorder in which a person feels compelled to ...

Childhood Tooth Injuries Are Preventable!

Make a Plan in Case of Accidents Sometimes accidents happen even when we’re being careful, and having an emergency plan is a great way to ...

What Do Different Cultures Do With Baby Teeth?

How About a Tooth Mouse? Many European and Latin-American countries have a Tooth Mouse instead of a Tooth Fairy. She’s called La Petite Souris (“the ...

Learn About Three Dentistry Heroines

Lucy Hobbs Taylor Lucy Hobbs Taylor, born 1833, was the world’s first female dental school graduate. Many dental schools refused to admit her, but the ...

What Does an Eating Disorder Do to Dental Health?

Anorexia Versus Oral Health An eating disorder like anorexia nervosa can lead to osteoporosis, which increases the risk of tooth loss. It also causes dry ...

Tips for Teaching Kids to Floss

Helping Your Child Floss Parents should floss their child’s teeth for them until they have the dexterity to do it themselves. Make it part of ...

Oral Cancer Screenings Should Be a Priority!

Built-In Risk Factors There are unavoidable risk factors: men are twice as prone to oral cancer as women and it affects people over the age ...

Learn the Basics of Lip Ties and Tongue Ties

BEING TONGUE-TIED isn’t just an expression; for many people, it’s an actual medical condition, and a similar one is being lip-tied. We all have thin, stretchy ...

Follow These Sensitive Tooth Tips

1 IN EVERY 8 Americans (including kids) has sensitive teeth. To understand why, we’ll need to take a look at dental anatomy. Erosion and the Layers ...

No, Vaping Is Not a “Healthy Alternative.”

WE’VE BEEN HEARING for decades how dangerous smoking is to many aspects of our health. As dental professionals, our focus is particularly on the dangers to ...

Happy TMJ Awareness Month!

OUR JAWS GET a pretty constant workout between all the talking, chewing, and yawning we do, but those simple activities become more complicated for those with ...

Sugar Is the Main Cause of Childhood Cavities

2 OUT OF EVERY 5 KIDS have at least one cavity by the time they finish elementary school, and the main reason is sugar. Bacteria Love ...

Don’t Take Dental Advice From TikTok!

UNLESS THE DENTIST is an active TikTok user, it’s not a good idea to get dental health advice from social media. We’ve noticed a lot of ...

Sealants Are a Protective Shield for Teeth

40% OF KIDS WILL have at least one cavity by the time they start school, usually due to poor oral hygiene and eating and drinking lots ...

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